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Meditation Class: Center of Love

Stay Tuned for classes coming in April 2022

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Service Description

In the spirit of Anahata (heart) Chakra, this sweet and lovingly nourishing class speaks to all the senses. We will set our intention for this practice and journey into Yoga Nidra Meditation. We will travel through the deepest layers of the brain wave states. Opening our hearts and all of our senses. I will then guide you through a crafted Loving Kindness practice to increase positive emotions and resiliency in your life. This practice brings love to the front and center in your life, while nourishing The Nervous System, The Endocannabinoid System and The Immune System. We will finish in a sleepy, dreamy, awake and restful place. This class is 45 minutes and is a great way to support your health and healing, manage stress/anxiety and improve sleep. Studies have shown that with regular weekly practice we increase JOY! ABOUT the practices… Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) Has been thoroughly studied AND it is an ancient practice. We bring deep focus and awareness to the body and we notice the senses. We travel through the deepest brain wave states. It is widely known that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra equals 3 hours of sleep. This is why this practice will help you sleep better all week. Good quality and consistent sleep Loving Kindness has been thoroughly studied by Ancient Sages and modern day scientists. Loving Kindness Meditation has been shown to: - Increase positive emotions/decrease negative emotions - Increase vagal tone and emotional intelligence - Increase feeling of social connection - Increase healing and resiliency Decreased: - Migraines - Chronic Pain - PTSD - Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders - Activate empathy - Increase compassion - Slow ageing - Increase gray matter volume - Be helpful even in small doses - Have long term positive impact Class Details This practice is best done in Savasana (laying on the mat, floor, couch, bed, recliner) with a bolster under the knees, a neck pillow and an eye pillow. Warm clothing and a blanket is nice during this practice. This class is offered virtually, from the comfort of your own home using Zoom. You do not have to have your camera or microphone on to enjoy this practice!- speaking to all of you INTROVERTS out there! *As always, this class includes a Cannabis safe and welcoming space. Enhancing this class with Cannabis can add much depth to the subtle healing power of the practice. Reach out if you need more guidance with Cannabis and your Meditation Practice. Min 4ppl Max 10

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